Apple Blossom
Apple blossom is a springtime bloom that adds color and fullness to the bouquets.
Violet and Violet Leaf
The violet is an ideal filler flower.In addition to the rich color of violet,it looks beautiful in white or pink with yellow centers.
The gently ruffled leaves look great when added to a cluster of violets.They give a pleasing full look to a bouquet of small violet blossoms.
Victorian Rose
Victorian rose is an elegant rose variety with graceful curved petals that give a classic look.
Prime rose and Daisy
The prime rose's gracefully curved heart shaped petals always add a touch of elegance. Color optons abound,including all yellow,blue petals and a dot with yellow center or purple petals and a dot with yellow center.
Daisy, the all time favourite flower says springtime wherever it appears.A great choice for Mother's day, birthday,wedding and baby shower cakes.
The vibrant pansy features petals in complementary colors and a distinctive loop center.Pansies are found in a wide variety of colors,including all yellow or all dark blue,white or purple with yellow centers.
This spring flower has wonderful coiled center,which rises above the curled petals to add dimension to any cake.
A fall tradition,with a sunburnt of sharply defined petals.